Andere namen für jimson weed

The genus name is derived from the plant's Hindi was used in the 17th century for various Datura species. Datura stramonium, known by the common names, jimson weed, ditch weed, stink weed, loco weed,Korean morning glory, Jamestown weed, thorn apple,  1.

Jimson Weed is also known as Datura Stramonium and is from the plant family Solanacea. For many years Jimson Weed has been used as an intoxicant and also used in herbal medicine in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. Jimson weed can also be found In the North Eastern part of the United States to Texas. Jimson Weed | Jimson weed is one of the over 3,000 members of the Solanaceae family many of which contain the alkaloids atropine (dl-hyoscamine) and scopolamine (hyoscine). The plant family Solanaceae is one of the largest families in the plant kingdom. Included in this family are edible species such as the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), eggplant (Solanum jimson-weed | Origin and meaning of jimson-weed by Online jimson-weed (n.) also jimsonweed, 19c.American English corrupt shortening of Jamestown-weed (1680s), from Jamestown, Virginia colony, where it was discovered by Europeans (1676), when British soldiers mistook it for an edible plant and subsequently hallucinated for 11 days. Weißer Stechapfel, Datura stramonium - Blütenpflanzen - Wegen seiner Gifteigenschaften hat der Stechapfel überall auf der Welt Böses verheißende Namen erhalten.

The genus name is derived from the plant's Hindi was used in the 17th century for various Datura species.

Andere namen für jimson weed

Jimson weed can also be found In the North Eastern part of the United States to Texas. Jimson Weed | Jimson weed is one of the over 3,000 members of the Solanaceae family many of which contain the alkaloids atropine (dl-hyoscamine) and scopolamine (hyoscine). The plant family Solanaceae is one of the largest families in the plant kingdom. Included in this family are edible species such as the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), eggplant (Solanum jimson-weed | Origin and meaning of jimson-weed by Online jimson-weed (n.) also jimsonweed, 19c.American English corrupt shortening of Jamestown-weed (1680s), from Jamestown, Virginia colony, where it was discovered by Europeans (1676), when British soldiers mistook it for an edible plant and subsequently hallucinated for 11 days.

Andere namen für jimson weed

Jimson Weed - Indianapolis Museum of Art

Hier kannst du sie vorschlagen! Bitte immer nur genau eine Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung eintragen (Formatierung siehe Guidelines), möglichst mit einem guten Beleg im Kommentarfeld. Datura stramonium | Informative Webseite Psychoaktiver Pflanzen. deutscher Name: Stechapfel: weitere Namen: Dhatura, Toloache, Engelstrompete, yerba del diablo, Jimson weed Getting High Off Garden Plants: Jimson Weed The latest craze in getting high involves a garden weed that has the potential to cause hallucinations or, for the unfortunate, death.

He was found later drowned in shallow water. This was Jimson Unkraut Datura Stramonium KO-29 Fine Art Print | Etsy Andere häufige Namen für D. Stramonium enthalten Thornapple und Mondblume, und es hat den spanischen Namen Toloache. Andere Namen für die Pflanze sind Hell es Bells, Teufels Trompete, des Teufels Unkraut, Tolguacha, Jamestown Unkraut, Stinkweed, Locoweed, Pricklyburr und des Teufels Gurke. Georgia O'Keeffe and the $44 Million Jimson Weed | JSTOR Daily Jimson Weed/White Flower No. 1. A 1932 painting of Jimson weed by American artist Georgia O’Keeffe has sold at auction, following a bidding war that resulted in a record-breaking price of $44 million—quadruple the original estimate that the picture was expected to bring. Szenenamen | Drogen Informationen bei Drug Infopool Weed Wood.

Andere namen für jimson weed

jimson weed | Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch Kennst du Übersetzungen, die noch nicht in diesem Wörterbuch enthalten sind? Hier kannst du sie vorschlagen!

Es ist eine einjährige, buschig wachsende Pflanze mit wunderschönen trompetenartigen weißen Blüten, die nachts einen sehr starken Duft verströmen. Bild ist 44 Milllionen Dollar wert: O'Keeffe ist die teuerste Es ist eine teure Blume. Eine sehr teure Blume: Ein Bild der US-amerikanischen Malerin Georgia O'Keeffe wird für 44,4 Millionen Dollar versteigert - und stellt dabei gleich mehrere Rekorde auf.

En 20 Sep 2016 The genus name Datura comes from the Hindi word for the plant, noteworthy since most botanical names are derived from Latin or Greek. Learn more about Jimson Weed uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain Jimson Weed. JIMSON WEED. OTHER NAME(S):. Angel Tulip, Chasse-Taupe, Datura, Datura inermis Datura Stramonium, bekannt unter den bekannten Namen Jimson Unkraut, Teufels Andere gemeinsame Namen für D. Stramonium gehören Thornapple und  Datura stramonium Linnaeus.

Possibly native to Central America, the plant is considered an invasive species throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere. It was used by Algonquin Indians in eastern North America, among other Weed Sorten » ★ Beste Cannabis Sorten Sativa Sorten inspirieren zum Reden oder zum Nachdenken über ein anregendes Thema, im Kopf tauchen positive Gedanken und Gefühle auf.

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jimsonweed - Wiktionary 09.04.2019 · jimsonweed (countable and uncountable, plural jimsonweeds) A poisonous plant of the Datura stramonium species, part of the nightshade family. A hallucinogen occasionally ingested by those looking for a cheap high. (US, by extension, proscribed) Any poisonous plant of the Datura genus.